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Aussie Hair Care in Malta | Launch Party

Last Thursday, the lovely Marija from VJ Salomone very kindly invited me to the Aussie Hair Care Launch party and I was so looking forward to this launch! Now to be totally honest with you all, I've only tried the Aussie Aussome Volume Shampoo but that's all it takes for me to decide whether I like or detest a brand, and I can tell you that this brand is amazingThere are 5 ranges of the Aussie Hair Care brand available in Malta at the moment which are; Miracle Moist, Frizz Miracle, Take The Heat, Aussome Volume and Mega. 

Now back to the event! The launch party was held at 'The Galley' in Ta' Xbiex where we were welcomed with a purple carpet leading all the way to the terrace with a gorgeous view. The event itself had such a chill and relaxing atmosphere in true Aussie style. We've also enjoyed the lovely sundowners and bbq all planned for us to celebrate this launch. 

I'll stop rambling now and let you enjoy some photos which are the official VJ Salomone Marketing Aussie Brand Launch Event photos which you can see more of on their Facebook page here.

A big thankyou goes to Marija and VJ Salomone for hosting such a aussome event and for inviting me along! 

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend :)

Love, T

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