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Is it almost 2 weeks ago that we received 2 hens for rehoming ?

 The owner had passed away, sadly, and we agreed to take them in. I quickly constructed a pen in the garage for them to stay in until darkness fell. In the evening they joined the rest of the flock.

 The next morning we had to 'help' them outside because they had no idea where they were.

They quickly started scratching and pecking around 

 They got adopted by the flock.

The two here at the back are young cockerels. Very interested they were in the newcomers.
The white bugger has been trying to mount everything that moves. He got to our new white (leghorn) hen and drew blood in her neck.

She has now been inside for the last few days, so that the wound can heal. I have been spoiling her something rotten with pumpkin seeds, sunflower, sesame and flax seeds and a few grapes during the day, plus her normal feed.

The young cockerels, they have gone to a friend of ours who is going to turn them into something for the soup.

Patricia xxx...x

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