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even more spells

fingernail clippings.

bullet brain
v, s: finger gun to own skull
duration: concentration, max 1 Turn
your brain turns into a bullet !zoom! your body flaps around behind it as it zooms around! you get a fly speed of 45,000 ft, you can’t do anything with the rest of your body though. and good luck deaccelerating.

big head
v: groan s: rub forehead
duration: caster level hours
your skull gets bigger. you can fit more stuff in there, meaning if you have to remember anything, you automatically succeed. you can also put things in your skull by shoving them up your nose, they’ll be safely stored.

m: twenty five dollars cash
target: yourself or one other
duration: until dismissed or caster walks away.
a large skull descends from the sky and answers any questions you might have about one subject: your future and psyche. questions about the future recieve hazy answers, answers about the psyche are spot-on. only usable outside.

no spell components
target: one person you can see or know the name of (unlimited range)
your friend (or an enemy) gets an idea. they do not have to act on this idea. abstract information is preferential to specific text, specific language likely is slightly garbled.

trap portal
v,s:draw the portal ,m:chalk or paint or charcoal
duration: caster level hours
opens an appealing, adventure-y looking portal that will subtly influence any adventure-minded individuals to go inside (still their option, but no save). takes you to prison dimension (as imprisonment: burial)

enchant mistletoe
v,s, m: istletoe
duration: 1 hour caster level
enchanted mistletoe will cause you to have intense emotions if you pass near it, within 5’. the emotions are random; typically, someone at the table will suggest an intense emotion for the target to feel and we’ll go with that. prolonged exposure will give cumulative -1 penalities to any action not acting on the emotion.

enchant toe
v,s m: toe
range: touch
duration: permanent
caster has complete control over enchanted toe.

green grass
duration: caster lever hours
trap spell, creates a patch of ordinary grass which if stepped on acts as acid. d8 damage/round, clothing destroyed, save or be stuck for another round.

lose thing
1 target, reflex save
m: onion
bad luck causes you to drop the thing you were holding and it rolls or bounces to the most feasibly inaccessible spot.

oil sphere
v,s,m: pinch of salt
radius of sphere is up to 5’/caster level.
range: any point in space within 30’
large sphere of oil collects, seeping from nearby materials. takes one round/5' radius to collect, will float if necessary.  the oil is flammable.

hatred sphere
v,s, m: two cherries
range: sphere can influence up to 5’/caster level
duration: permanent. caster can only have one sphere at a time though
the sphere collects hair, dead skin and loose nails (or not so loose) to an invisible point of space. once the detritus of three people has been collected the sphere’s mass forms a mouth which begins mewing. if fed the mass will, eventually, develop glowing purple psychic powers and a deep baritone voice. it only wants to be fed more.

mass: 1 hd per 2 gallons of collected material, gains the following powers every 7 gallons collected:
7. ability to slow time (as slow)
14. intelligence = 7 and can speak any language
21. pseudopods can manipulate at strength 14, intelligence = 14
28. can cast suggestion once per day
34. range begins expanding 5’ per day, up to double original value
41. can cast suggestion at will

target: up to caster level targets
duration: 1 minute
target with best save attempts to save, if they succeed the spell fails.

all targets are reduced to ¼ of an inch tall and all of their ability scores are reduced to 1.

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